
Sarah Cope
0121 476 3415


  • Oliver Welsby
    Oliver Welsby
    Brightcore Consultancy

    Delivering comprehensive, reflective, and transformational training and consultancy.

    Oliver is a safeguarding and mental health consultant and trainer, with extensive experience in pastoral leadership as both a DSL and a Senior Mental Health Lead.

    He leads Brightcore Consultancy; a team of consultants who have a particular focus on enhancing safeguarding and mental health provision in education settings.

    He is both an Advanced Safeguarding Trainer and Senior Mental Health Lead Trainer.


Zoom Session
Zoom Session


Thu 19 Sep 2024


18:00 - 19:30

Governors’ Update on KCSIE

Focus: Catholic Life
For: Governors


This session is valuable for all governors, not just the nominated Safeguarding Governor, as all governors have ‘strategic leadership responsibility for safeguarding’, as outlined in KCSIE.

This session will provide a clear update for governors as to the latest developments in terms of risk, updates on statutory guidance and KCSIE requirements from the governance perspective, and an overview of what the safeguarding team should be working on.

Director’s Note:

This is a slightly longer governor’s session than usual, it’s because we are sharing the information and giving them guidance on what to do.

I’d get all my governors booked on this – a non-negotiable (you are giving them plenty of notice).

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