
Sarah Cope
0121 476 3415


  • Ruth Swailes
    Ruth Swailes

    Ruth has almost 30 years’ experience working in education as a Headteacher, Inspector, Consultant, Improvement Advisor and Moderator in several Local Authorities.

    Ruth currently works as a School Improvement Advisor in Leicester City, as an Early Years Advisor on the Wirral and as a private consultant nationally and internationally. She has taught throughout the primary age range in the UK, but her passion is working with children aged 2-7.

    Ruth is the lead author of the Oxford International Early Years curriculum for 2-6 year olds and leads on the training for schools and settings using the curriculum in more than 40 different countries. She is co-author of the bestselling book,
    ‘Early Childhood Theories Today’ and was named Nursery World Trainer of the Year in 2021 and an International Influencer in Education in 2022 by ISC research.

    Ruth writes for several educational publications as well as Yorkshire Bylines newspaper. Ruth is currently writing a book about curriculum development with Dr. Aaron Bradbury.


Zoom Session
Zoom Session


Tue 15 Oct 2024


16:00 - 17:00

EYFS Language, Communcation and Effective Interaction (Session 3 of 3)

Focus: Leadership and Management
For: EYFS leaders and their teams, EYFS teachers, EYFS TAs and headteachers


Optional, drop-in session to allow everyone the chance to come and ask questions based on your experiences of using strategies suggested in sessions one and two.

The third and final session provides an opportunity to feedback on how the strategies have worked, ask questions, and explore further.

We urge staff to access this from home. Pack your bags at lunchtime and run down the drive as soon as the last pupil is collected – you’re then at home when it finishes at 5.01pm.

Multiple Sessions:

This is a three session programme. Sessions one and two must be attended. Session three is optional.

  • [1] Tue 24 September 2024
  • [2] Thu 3 October 2024
  • [3] Tue 15 October 2024

Please note: If you book one of these sessions, then we will automatically book you on the others. So you only need to submit one booking.

Director’s Note:

This is an optional session, why, oh why, would your EYFS team NOT want an extra session with the amazing Ruth? If they say; this one is optional, we don’t have to go’… I think there’s further conversations you need to have…