Birmingham Catholic Primary Partnership are honoured, through the generosity of our partner schools, to be able to support the education of young people in Rwanda through our links with the Sisters of Sainte Marie de Namur.
In November 2019 we were able to meet the Holy Sisters request for help by funding the purchase of 293 school books to aid student learning. We also purchased 5 computers to develop student digital literacy skills. In addition, we supported individual student development through a bursary of £500 towards school fees.
This is all possible through the charitable support of our BCPP primary school donations.
Letter from Sisters of Saint Mary, Kiruhura
30 June 2019
Dear Mr Desmond,
I would like to thank you most sincerely for the donation received from Birmingham Catholic Primary Partnership in October 2018.
The following students sat their final exams in November, they passed and have their diploma. Imanishimwe Devota, Ndacyayisenga Alice and Uwamahoro Sandrine are qualified to teach primary school. Emmanual Mutangana obtained good marks, he studied Maths, Economics and Geography. Vuguziga Jean Baptiste and Baziruwiha Emmanuel studied Physics, Chemistry and Maths.
Concerning this year 2019, we have six students in senior 5, four in senior 4, five students in senior 3, one in senior 2 and four students in senior 1. Marie Therese is in first year of university, nursing school.
The primary school of Kiruhara has 1338 students, 218 children in nursery and 1120 children in primary. The buildings are old and the roof of one of them was in tuiles. The donation you gave helped a lot for the rehabilitation of one part of this building.
A local school of Ruyenzi (goupe scolaire de Ruyenzi) has more than 2500 students, nursery, primary and secondary. This school doesn’t have tanks to collect rainwater for students and cleanliness. It’s a region that doesn’t have much water. The donation helped to put one tank.
I would like to thank you again for your prayers, support and for the many ways you have shared God’s love in helping young people live their lives with hope.
God bless,
Yours faithfully, Sisters of Saint Mary Kiruhara

Children proudly standing outside their newly refurbished classrooms at Kiruhura.

Primary school children at Kiruhura.