As we approach Lent, I thought I would write to thank all those schools, parishes and individuals who have donated money to the Rwanda Project during the past year. All donations, no matter how small, are valued and every penny is spent on meeting the projects identified by Sister Susan and myself.
Much of the fund raising for this work goes on during Lent and I ask you to consider giving some of your school’s lenten alms giving towards the work in Rwanda. Any donations should be sent to the BCPP Office. Cheques should be made payable to: Birmingham Catholic Primary Partnership – Rwanda Account.
I always welcome the opportunity of visiting schools to talk to the children about this work and its impact on the communities in Rwanda. Please contact me to reserve a date.
I am in frequent contact with Sister Susan and she provides me with regular updates regarding the on- going work. During the course of the last year the following projects have been completed:
- Three and a half sponsorships for full-time pupils at Kiruhura Catholic Schools, for one year, at a cost of £250.00 per year = £875.00.
- Six day pupil costs for their education next year at Kiruhura Catholic Schools, at a cost of £75.00 per pupil = £450.00.
- Renovation of a classroom in Kiruhura Catholic Primary School at a cost of £2000.00.
- Provision of one hundred school uniforms, for children attending Kiruhura Catholic Primary School, at a cost of £500.00.
- Reservoir repairs – Kiruhura – £5000. These were completed by Christmas 2014.
- Repairs to the outside aprons and steps around classrooms in Kiruhura Catholic Primary School to give access to disabled children and to ensure safety for other children – £2000. All work was completed in time for the new academic year – Monday 26 January 2015.
- Provision of sixty desks Mara Catholic Primary School – £1800. These were also in place for the new school year.
- Building of two houses for families in need of housing. These families have children at the Catholic schools in Kiruhura – £1000.
- Two lightning conductors at the Kiruhura Catholic Schools site – £600.
- School fees for two secondary students at Kiruhura Catholic Schools – £400. Both these students completed their studies in October 2014 and will now go on to study to be teachers.
- A further sixty uniforms for children attending Kiruhura Catholic Primary School – £300. These have been made on an as needs basis at the school in Kiruhura.
- Board and lodging for the student Joseph at university – £300. Joseph is a very needy pupil and has been supported by BCPP throughout his time at school. Joseph has just started his studies at university.
- The building of a nursery classroom at Kiruhura Catholic Primary School at a cost of £8000.
TOTAL COSTS FOR 2014 – £23,225.00
In her most recent email, Sister Susan wrote:
“I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude for the continued generosity of the Birmingham Catholic Primary Partnership in our work in Rwanda, especially in enabling children and young people in need to attain their potential through education.”
May God bless her and the Sisters in their work.

School uniforms for children attending Kiruhura.

Repairs to Kiruhura Catholic Primary School.

More repairs to Kiruhura School.

The children of Kiruhura Catholic Primary School.

New desks at Mara Catholic Primary School.

Building a house for a family.

Building a house for a family.

A finished house for a family in need of housing.